Monday, October 04, 2010

Indie Artist, and Illustrator

New indie artist, Stacie Bloomfield, has made it in under the radar! Her shoppe, Gingiber was featured on Etsy as an up and coming artist, and from that she received some much deserved attention. A week after her Etsy debut, she had the opportunity to work with Decor8. Which later on led to an article in the lovely magazine, La Petite. Although she has received some great acknowledgment, her blog is her core advocacy. I had the opportunity to interview Mrs. Bloomfield, and here is what she had to say:

The Barvar Dear: I love your profound yet romantic art, when did you first start creating things like this?

Stacie Bloomfield: My whole life I have been drawing in a classical style. Pencil and ink. Portraits. very Photo-like. My degree is in design and fine arts. It was not until I became a mother that I ventured into this "illustrative style". I have broken all of my previous classical rules of drawing. Now all I do is doodle fun and whimsical illustrations, and I have never been happier.

The Barvar Dear: You've shared with me that you're a wife, and mother. Where do you find time to conjure up your art pieces?

Stacie Bloomfied: I generally do most of my work once I get home from my day job. When my daughter was younger, It was so easy to be productive, as she would go to bed at 7 and I would have the rest of the night to create. Now I find that the weekends are my best friend. My husband is my greatest support, often sacrificing his much needed study time (he is a mathematician!) so that I can be productive. He is a nice fellow.

The Barvar Dear: Where do you find the inspiration to/when you're creating?

Stacie Bloomfield: My greatest inspiration comes when I am relaxed and simply drawing for the sake of drawing. I find that when I set down to draw something specific, the magic is not there. Some of my greatest inspiration comes during conversations with friends, because I tend to mindlessly doodle while talking. I tend to like those drawings the best!

The Barvar Dear:
I must tell you, I am very intrigued by your work. What feedback do you hear the most about your work?

Stacie Bloomfield: I generally get feedback that my art is just fun and quirky. Which it is! I haven't been compared to anyone else yet, which is also nice!

The Barvar Dear: How do you see yourself as an artist?

Stacie Bloomfield: This is a challenging question, as I have struggled over the past year with identifying myself as an artist. As I previously mentioned, I used to only draw in a classical style, very rigid with lots of control. The style that I am currently utilizing requires that I be relaxed and simply explore the world in a different manner. Much more imaginative and free. So, how do I see myself? I am a woman and an artist who strives to be as light-hearted and happy as my artwork projects. I am constantly trying to improve, to reach a larger audience. I would like to think that I fit in nicely with the current "handmade" and "indie" movement (really what does that mean anyways?). I really love what I do and want to share it with others.

If you're interested in viewing, buying, and Etc: (click on links below)

Gingiber Blog
Facebook Fanpage
ShopGinigber on Etsy